Took the AANP FNP exam today and passed on the 1st try. I used the online recorded program, question book and a couple of the online practice quizzes. Thank you Amelie Hollier, Mimi Secor and the APEA staff!! Everything I needed all in one place!
Categories: APEAVery well laid out, engaging, and great prep! Advanced Practice Education Associates was really a big help for me. The lessons were great. Thank you for the overall great experience!
Categories: APEAThis is by far the best review course for preparation for the FNP exam.
Categories: APEAVery informative and worth every penny spent for the service. The way they answered all my questions and concerns is definitely admirable. For me, they are the type of people you would want to do business with.
Categories: APEAThis is it! Try your best and get into this review. I had bought the Fitzgerald package and also attended their review, but nothing is compared to this. Amelie and Mimi are just planting those information into ones brain because they are getting it right out of theirs. It is like transplanting! I loved every moment of it, and I know I will be able to retrieve those information when it is time to use them. Very lively educators!
Categories: APEAFantastic course! Amazing presenters who are so knowledgeable and approachable with questions! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Categories: APEALoved this course- Dr. Hollier is such an engaging, funny, and knowledgeable teacher. I'd recommend to anyone before taking their boards!
Categories: APEAThe instructors are great and they upload you with a load of informations by smoothly, nicely and organized way. Add to that, they are full of positive energy and enthusiasm that will keep you in full attention during the whole two and a half days of the live review course.
Categories: APEAAwesome review this weekend! I attend Walden University, which is an online program. Which means I teach myself. I start clinicals in a couple weeks and am very apprehensive about it, as I am one who thinks I have to know everything to keep from missing something. This review course has helped me link so many things together and I now have some peace about setting foot in my clinical site. Am I going to know everything? No. Am I going to have a foundation that I'm comfortable building on? Yes. Thank you so much APEA!!
Categories: APEABest review! I passed on the first try!
Categories: APEAGreat review course! Concise and on point. Helpful for certification AND exams for school. Well worth the investment!
Categories: APEAI took the FNP review class 1st week of april in Phoenix and passed the exam 2 weeks ago! Done and over and I KNOW the live class coupled with reviewing the book afterwards and online test practice questions at APEA helped!
Categories: APEAI have a confession ... I didn't pay for my review. I received bootleg materials from a pal after we attended the Barkley review and still felt just as lost as we did before. After not having a clear sense of direction or purpose in my studying, finally I felt there was light at the end of the tunnel! I can't tell you how grateful I am that I found Amelie and her easy, funny way of delivering loads of information effortlessly. After months of stressing--and this girl doesn't study for tests, including the CCRN-- I passed my AANP exam yesterday! I think I'll make up for not paying for the material by referring everyone I know to your program. I cannot thank you enough!!
Categories: APEA