I really enjoyed the review course
Categories: APEA Review CoursesThank you for a very informative certification review course. I came for CEU’s as well as learn new information. I always tell my colleagues and students about to take their certification to attend your course. You are precise and to the point. I took my certification exam in 2013 2 weeks after your course and aced it. Thank you for making us better Practitioners.
Categories: APEA Review CoursesThe live 2 day review course was so unbelievably beneficial for me!! I learned so much during this review, Hollier is fun, interesting, and stays on task. Trust me you won’t be bored at all. I feel relieved and confident going into certification testing after this review course. Well worth the money spent!!!
Categories: APEA Review CoursesSo easy to listen to and able to keep me focused! Really enjoyed the time I was able to take to soak it all in!! Thank you!
Categories: APEA Review CoursesI really enjoyed the live review. I feel like it pulled everything from the last 2 & 1/2 of school together. I really feel more prepared on how to study & how to pass the test. Hollier & Mimi were great speakers. I really enjoyed both of them. Thank you for such a wonderful review.
Categories: APEA Review CoursesThis review course provided the knowledge necessary to be successful. Key points for each system were included. Amelie and Mimi did a fantastic job of presenting the information in an easy to follow method. I highly recommend this course!
Categories: APEA Review CoursesThe FNP review course provided by APEA was absolutely phenomenal! I am so glad I attended this live review course. Amelie and Mimi are fantastic with presenting vital and necessary information in a manner that makes sense. Not only did this course make me successful with passing the AANP exam, but it prepared me for a career as a new NP.
Categories: APEA Review CoursesA wonderful education experience.
Categories: APEA Review CoursesGreat overview, efficient & engaging program!
Categories: APEA Review CoursesWhat a well thought out course. I feel lucky to have had the live class. Amelie, You're the very best! Thank you.
Categories: APEA Review CoursesThe live review was just what I needed after finishing my MSN to bring all of the information together and ace the AANP exam. Well worth the money spent!
Categories: APEA Review CoursesThe live review helped me to bring together the extensive amount of information we need for the exam! I also appreciated the exam prep review, giving me a clear picture of how to proceed with my studying. I know the two days of review gave me the tools to be successful for the certification exam.
Categories: APEA Review CoursesExcellent review course to help review 3 years of schooling.I felt more confident in my approach to studying and preparing for boards.
Categories: APEA Review CoursesThis review is concise. The delivery of content is so well articulated and applicable to real practice... and, it was FUN. Amelie & Mimi are dynamic speakers. I tested a month after graduation (two months post review) and was so well prepared for the ANCC exam. Additionally, I used Amelie’s audio files & QBank and found them more useful than any other bank due to their level of difficulty. They really helped me hone in on my weak areas for further review.
Categories: APEA Review CoursesAwesome review! I definitely recommend it! They are committed to help you succeed!
Categories: APEA Review CoursesAfter not passing my FNP exam the first time after taking another review course, I signed up with APEA review for the CE to retake the exam. I was very impressed with this review course. It was conducted in a manner that was intriguing and kept your attention. I am one who over analyzes questions and this course helped me break down the questions easily without reading into the question. This course also helped me to commit all the information to memory in a simple to understand way. I would recommend APEA’s review course to anyone who wants to pass their exam.
Categories: APEA Review CoursesI attended the Hollier APEA Review in Memphis, Tennessee. It was an awesome experience! It helped me to put all of the pieces together and to focus on areas that I needed to study more on. I loved it so much that I probably will attend a review session annually or biannually. It helped me tremendously, and I passed my boards the first time!
Categories: APEA Review Coursesi attended a live review in Memphis. I tested 20 days later and passed the first time! Dr. Hollier is incredibly engaging and intelligent. I enjoyed the way she presented material and her voice was actually in my head while I was taking my exam. I attended a brick and mortar university. They have a well respected Nurse Practitioner program. I also did well academically during my program. With that said, Dr. Hollier gave me the confidence that I needed to take that test and crush it!
Categories: APEA Review CoursesI attended the Review Course in June 2019 in Syracuse, New York. I graduated in December 2019 and took my certification in December 2019. This course pulled everything together. I feel I could have passed my certification right after taking the review. The review helped me to find my weak areas and helped me focus on those areas. It is worth the investment. A great summary of everything learned during my education. Dr. Amelie Hollier review course will more than prepare you for your certification. Thank you!!
Categories: APEA Review CoursesAttended this review course in January 2020 in Knoxville. It is soooo informative and worth every dime. As a new grad attempting to study for boards I was lost. Dr. Hollier and the whole crew are over the top helpful and informative. They guide your studying and basically spoon feed you the info you need to know to be a successful first time exam taker. Happy to report I passed boards 2 days and give this course full credit for that!
Categories: APEA Review Courses