I took this prep course heading into my last clinical semester. In our program, we only take mock boards the last semester so I wanted to be prepared early. I feel like I could take boards tomorrow because of this course. Not only did they wrap up what we’ve learned in 2 years of NP school in such a sensible way, they give you lots of tips and tricks to tackle board exam questions. Dr Lindsey and Dr Emily were great! This course is a MUST DO!
Categories: APEA Live Webinar Review CourseI tried 30 day trial and it was amazing. Very thorough and straight to the point
Categories: APEA ToolsVery good
Categories: APEA MyQBankgood
Categories: APEA MyQBankVery good
Categories: APEA Online Testing CenterI found the live webinar review course extremely helpful because the information provided were easy to understand and retain. I also took APEA practice exam which helped me find my readiness for the certification exam also find my knowledge holes and by fiiling those holes I was able to pass my FNP certification exam. Thank you APEA team for such a wonderful learning experience.
Categories: APEA Live Webinar Review CourseExcellent Course.
Categories: APEA Live Onsite Review Coursegood
Categories: APEA Online Testing CenterI took AANP exam (after waiting nearly 6 months after graduation to take the exam) a few months ago and did not pass. I did not do any formal review program, but had done a few hundred practice questions and was scoring approximately 75% on those practice questions. I felt like the exam went okay, but only missed passing by 34 points. I decided to not mess around the second time and purchased the APEA Video Review Course and FNP Predictor Exam. I watched the videos 2-3 times each and took the predictor exam. When I went into the testing center this morning, I did not feel any test anxiety that I had felt prior to the first time I took it. I felt more confident and knew how to approach the questions, what they were asking, and things to look for in each question to help pick out the correct answers. I did not learn any new content from this course, but that is not the intent. If we were learning new material, it would not be a "review" course. We would still be in school.......NO THANKS! I am so grateful to Dr Hollier and all other instructors for putting this together to help those of us who needed the extra little boost. I would recommend this course to every single person before taking the FNP Certification Exam.
Categories: APEA Video Review CourseHi there, I attended the live review course in Memphis, Tennessee Aug. 3-4. I graduated Aug. 14th and I am happy to announce that I passed the ANCC exam on October 23, 2023. I could not be more excited and thrilled that I passed on my first attempt.
Categories: APEA Live Onsite Review CourseGood evening, I just wanted to take a quick moment to notify you that I passed, on my first try, the AANP board certification exam for FNPs on Monday 10/9/2023! I took the APEA live review course on August 15th & 16th and allotted myself 6 weeks to review before taking the exam. I found the APEA lectures remarkably helpful in my studies! I also purchased a QBank subscription and a couple of practice exams to help keep me on track. After reviewing each section, I would note all the first-line medications for each disease process within that system and any other important points, such as gold standard diagnostics, or emphasized points I noted during the live review. Thank you all for what you do to support students' successes and I appreciate each of the instructors and their willingness to share their knowledge and expertise!
Categories: APEA Live Webinar Review Course , APEA MyQBank Study Questions , APEA Predictor ExamI passed the AANP exam today on the first attempt. I purchased it around September, I watched her video 3 times. I strongly recommend this course to understand the content, especially for AANP takers. Thank you Amallie, Mimi, and Lindsy for helping me to pass.
Categories: APEA CE Course on Video or AudioVery convenient, fast and great explanations
Categories: APEA CE CenterWonderful! Good information, to the point and fast quizzes with each article.
Categories: APEA CE Centergreat
Categories: APEA Live Continuing Education EventI would highly recommend this review course. I attended a live 2-day course in Memphis. I was clueless about the boards going into the review course, but after the two days, I went back home with the knowledge of what to expect and with the confidence that I could pass the certification exam. I took the certification exam on September 13, 2023, exactly one month after my graduation date, and I passed. I would highly recommend this course for any person with an upcoming board certification.
Categories: APEA Live Onsite Review CourseThe material in this review course was exactly what I needed to study and pass the AANP. I purchased the 4-6 week Review Course, which included a course manual/reading guide, practice questions and a predictor exam as well. I graduated August 11th, started the review August 14th and passed my AANP exam on September 22th. APEA is the way to go and I can't thank them enough!!!
Categories: APEA Video Review CourseN/A
Categories: APEA University ProductsThe review course was excellent! This course was the only review I used and the only one I needed. The presenters broke the topics down that made it very easy to understand. They provided mnemonics and personal stories to help with memory and they worked. I passed my boards the first time with 1 month of studying. I would recommend this course to everyone!
Categories: APEA Audio Review CourseI graduated August 5th and took the Live Webinar Review August 15th and 16th. I passed my AANP exam on September 14th. The material in this course was everything I needed to study and pass. I purchased Q-Bank questions, a predictor exam and the MP3. You can't go wrong with APEA. Thank you so much !!
Categories: APEA Live Webinar Review Course